New Zealand article: The Dissector Magazine

  Study of pathogenic loading on hospital cubicle curtains

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An independent study by the University of Michigan looked at the pathogen loading of patient privacy curtains in healthcare facilities. This study was evaluated in an article in The Dissector Magazine published in June 2019.

Testing methods

Swabs were taken from surfaces, curtains and patients regularly over 6 months from six nursing and rehabilitation facilities – including a total of 1521 samples from curtains in 625 rooms. The study found 22% of the sampled curtains tested positive for multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) including VRE, gram-negative bacilli (R-GNB) and MRSA. It further found that 92% of laundered curtains were contaminated within one week of rehanging.

The study concluded that “privacy curtains are rapidly contaminated with potentially pathogenic bacteria and interventions are required to reduce curtain contamination.“

The article further recommended the use of antimicrobial privacy curtains as part of hospital infection control protocols and concluded: “Strategies to inhibit curtain contamination and potential transfer of bacteria from curtains to patients on a continuous basis is required. The use of disposable antimicrobial and sporicidal privacy curtains offers a tool in combating the transmission of MDRO.


To download a copy of this report, click or tap here.

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